These pdf files list coastal passenger ship and ferry services in Europe.
The lists include all coastal vessels of more than 100 gross tons and carrying over 12 passengers,
as well as some excursion vessels carrying over 250 passengers on adjacent inland waterways.
("+" below an operator's fleet indicates that there are other, smaller vessels).
Click on the operators' names to go to their websites.
Please report any error or omissions to

  Great Britain and Ireland         Irish Sea         Straits of Dover         English Channel and Biscay

  France         North Sea         Belgium and Netherlands         Germany         Poland

  Denmark         Øresund/Öresund         Southern Baltic         Sweden

  Northern Baltic         Lithuania         Latvia         Estonia         Finland

Kattegat and Skagerrak         Norway         Faroes         Iceland         Greenland

  Spain and Portugal         Western Mediterranean       Malta         Italy

  Adriatic Sea         Slovenia         Croatia         Montenegro         Albania

  Greece         Turkey         Eastern Mediterranean         Cyprus

The lists are also available as printed booklets (compiled in May 2016)

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